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All Windows computers will be upgraded to the Windows 11


Suurin käyttäjälle ensimmäisenä näkyvä ero Windows 10:een on uudistunut visuaalinen ilme.

  1. Sovellukset, asetukset sekä tiedostohallinta löytyvät kaikki Start-valikosta ruudun keskeltä alalaidasta.

  2. Tärkeimmät perusohjelmat on suoraan kiinnitetty (PInned) Start-valikon aloitusnäkymään. Kaikki tietokoneelle asennetut ohjelmistot löytyvät aloitusnäkymän oikeaan ylälaidan All apps-painikkeen alta. 

  3. Oman suosikkisovelluksen voi kiinnittää aloitusvalikkoon napsauttamalla sitä hiiren kakkospainikkeella ja valitse sitten 'Pin to Start'. 

  4. Uloskirjautuminen Windowsista tapahtuu klikkaamalla Start-valikon aloitusnäkymän vasemmassa alakulmassa olevaa henkilökohtaista kuva/nimi -painiketta.




operating system because Windows 10 will reach end of support on October 14, 2025.

All staff and public computers will be updated in phases starting from November 2024 and are scheduled to be complete on June 2025. The upgrade is not distributed to computers that are not compatible with the Windows 11 operating system or whose leasing will expire before October 2025.

The upgrade will be available in the Software Center for staff computers. You can start the upgrade yourself at an appropriate time. You will receive regular pop-up notifications about the upgrade. The upgrade process will take approximately 1-3 hours and it includes several restarts. The duration of the upgrade mainly depends on the performance of the computer and the speed of the network connection. It's recommend to start the upgrade at the end of the workday and allow the computer to complete the upgrade by itself. The softwares and the user's files will remain on the computer during the upgrade.

In case of any issues during or after the upgrade, please contact the LUT Helpdesk. You can also find some instructions for troubleshooting on this page.